June 23, 1941 - July 9, 2003


As I come to realize
the tears come quickly to my eyes;
My mind does race across the time
when children on my lap did climb.

Their love they gave so freely then
and wrapped me with their arms so warm;
Then asked for nothing, but my care
and loved my just for being there.

I didn't have to be a queen
or smart or best at anything;
So special did they make me feel
so useful, needed, and so real.

My youth went quickly by you see
and life did not work out for me;
the dreams of home and family
no home to anchor them to me.

Their love now grown to needs you see,
their arms no longer reach for me;
but none can ever take from me,
these years I live in memory.

Mistakes were made, advise is free,
but nothing else is left to give;
My love I still give freely
for as long as I shall live.

No matter what mistakes are made,
No matter who they now become;
I'll give them my unbounded love,
because I am their Mom.

But in my dreams and memeories
this special gift was given me,
When times are hard and age does creep
so quickly now upon me;
I send my mind back to a time,
when they all called me Mommy...

May 14, 1991

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