June 23, 1941 - July 9, 2003


As I take my pen in hand, I write this poem for you to see,
3000 miles across this land, your memory still does comfort me.
I close my eyes and I can feel you arms, so strong and warm and real.
I go to bed at night you see, and feel you lying next to me.
I look upon your picture too and thoughts go back when love was new:
A home so filled with laughter, and a family of our own,
with Carol watching Golden Girls and Dee upon the phone.
To home you raced, a smiling face, your love to give to me.
Our thoughts, our dreams, were one back then, no loneliness or sorrow.
These are the things on which you build, for happiness tomorrow.

You showed me love and kindness then, a feeling long forgot by me .
A love that talked, and touched and cared, that felt the things inside of me;
Now to this man I gave myself, my love and everything I am,
and to God's alter did I march and sealed this with a wedding band.
I thought myself as special for this man to love me to,
you made me feel a specialness inside I never knew.

To you I then became a threat, the reason for your work and sweat,
someone who spoils all your fun, as off to barrooms you now run.
To drink and make new friends you see, someone to take the place of me,
Someone who does not care how much you drink, or where your life will go.
Or if your love will be there when their body's growing old.

No love, no goals, no dreams to live.
No promises you have to give, just fun and laughter without care.
No pressures now or worries there.
They took the part of you I love, the caring part I'd learned to love.
They would not want this other part, these scars I carry in my heart.
I long to hold the one I knew so long ago, when love was new.
But now you say the flame is out and all you do is scream and shout,
of money and your freedom too.
No longer can I talk to you.

I dreamed our love would build again, as time went slowly by,
a future was not in your plans, but neither then was I.
I sought to make you proud of me, by being home and working there.
It took me years to realize, about these things you didn't care.
Your need for me was over, but to see this I was blind.
As I foolishly fought to save us, you were then messing with my mind.

I know our time is over, and your freedom now you live.
Our love, our hopes, and laughter now to others you do give.
As time has come between us, and our life you have destroyed.
I gave you everything I had to give, and you left me just a void.

Love Always,

April 26, 1991
Dedicated to Lou, my husband

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